Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Want to read/write abstracts?

I've found a site advertised in my site (here!), named http://www.shvoong.com/, which focuses upon the abstracts/summaries of books, novels, natural science, etc. If you've some spare time, you can log in and publish abstracts of whatever you liked in your reading...and yes! - get paid for it, depending on the content and the subsequent public recognition.

There is no annoying pre-requisites like experience in writing or expertise in scripting, to get into it. It aptly suits and ably supports newbies in writing like me!

'Shvoong' offers three categories for writing articles, based on 'word count' - 300, 600 and 900 word abstracts. It allows us to post/publish abstracts/articles in whopping 37 different languages, about natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, www and newspaper stuff. As consented in the site, by the site, it doesn't employ any expert for screening and everything is left to the discretion of the readers and writers of this web portal!

I don't know anything more about it other than what is necessary for writing an abstract about 'Shvoong'! So far, I've published only one article in 'Shvoong' (by slightly modifying one of my earlier posts in this blog page, titled 'An appeal to the bloggers' to meet the requirement of minimum 300 words for every abstract). Check out
'Shvoong' for more...


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At 19 April, 2007 04:39, Blogger alex said...

I'll get you some water to bathe lunesta your eyes, he offered, and ran into the little room over the kitchen to get a pitcher.. The same diversity in fexofenadine their ways of formation and the same rules for its solution hold good also for the innumerable medley of dream contents, examples of which I need scarcely adduce.. I could only designate this dream displacement as the transvaluation of psychical values. calcium. A now-hallowed attack of tonsilitis had driven him to Florida, where presently Gideon had been employed to beguile his convalescence, and guide him over the intricate shallows of that long lagoon celebrex known as the Indian River in search of various fish.. Through those strange spectacles how often I saw the noblest heart renouncing all other hope, all other ambition, all other life, than the possible love of some benadryl one of those statues.. I'll tell mother that we're just stepping out to do viagra a little calling on the girls.. Human life should not be considered as the proper material for wild experiments. bupropion. The Major set apart each afternoon to read to cephalexin him the manuscript of his book.. Podington looked at his friend. allegra. It was not quite peep of day, however, when she laid actonel her well-worn family Bible aside.. A spirited, brave young parish acetaminophen had I; and it seemed as if we might have all the joy of eventful living to our hearts' content.. Smiley he went to the swamp and slopped around in the mud for a long time, and finally he ketched a frog, and fetched him in, and give him to this feller, and says: Now, if you're ready, set him alongside of Dan'l, with his forepaws just even with Dan'l's, prevacid and I'll give the word.. Gideon followed her estradiol slowly.. The woman had evidently noticed his hesitation, but mistook its aspirin cause.. His chivalry was outraged; his sense of humor was small--and in the course of his career he had lost one or two important cases through an unexpected development of this quality in a jury. norco..

At 20 April, 2007 11:33, Blogger alex said...

I'll get you some water to bathe zithromax your eyes, he offered, and ran into the little room over the kitchen to get a pitcher.. The same diversity in celebrex their ways of formation and the same rules for its solution hold good also for the innumerable medley of dream contents, examples of which I need scarcely adduce.. I could only designate this dream displacement as the transvaluation of psychical values. abilify. A now-hallowed attack of tonsilitis had driven him to Florida, where presently Gideon had been employed to beguile his convalescence, and guide him over the intricate shallows of that long lagoon nexium known as the Indian River in search of various fish.. Through those strange spectacles how often I saw the noblest heart renouncing all other hope, all other ambition, all other life, than the possible love of some premarin one of those statues.. I'll tell mother that we're just stepping out to do calcium a little calling on the girls.. Human life should not be considered as the proper material for wild experiments. ditropan. The Major set apart each afternoon to read to xanax him the manuscript of his book.. Podington looked at his friend. ultram. It was not quite peep of day, however, when she laid morphine her well-worn family Bible aside.. A spirited, brave young parish buspar had I; and it seemed as if we might have all the joy of eventful living to our hearts' content.. Smiley he went to the swamp and slopped around in the mud for a long time, and finally he ketched a frog, and fetched him in, and give him to this feller, and says: Now, if you're ready, set him alongside of Dan'l, with his forepaws just even with Dan'l's, zantac and I'll give the word.. Gideon followed her cephalexin slowly.. The woman had evidently noticed his hesitation, but mistook its codeine cause.. His chivalry was outraged; his sense of humor was small--and in the course of his career he had lost one or two important cases through an unexpected development of this quality in a jury. cialis..

At 21 April, 2007 15:23, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

At 22 April, 2007 07:03, Blogger alex said...

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At 22 April, 2007 18:52, Blogger alex said...

He had made up his mind http://www.facebook.com before he left his father's house how he would look during the term...

At 06 May, 2008 20:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Large no: Indian prof's in Eritrea. Great to hear. Without Indian intelectuals Eritrea cannot run their institutes.They have to come to only India for Prof's.
Long live the great Indians of Eritrea. Rule the Colleges of Ertitrea.

At 06 May, 2008 20:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eritrea is ruled by Indian Prof's. Eritreans should adapt Indian education system if they have to become emerging superpower like to India. They should not only recruit teachers from India, but buy only Indian textbooks as they are world class and at affordable prices. Instead of spending dollars for books from America they should come to India and buy books. Everytime they come to India for recruitment of teachers, they should buy Indian textbooks. The Library should be filled with Indian texbooks only. This will help the Indian Profs a lot.

At 06 May, 2008 20:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eritrea is ruled by Indian Prof's. Eritreans should adapt Indian education system if they have to become emerging superpower like to India. They should not only recruit teachers from India, but buy only Indian textbooks as they are world class and at affordable prices. Instead of spending dollars for books from America they should come to India and buy books. Everytime they come to India for recruitment of teachers, they should buy Indian textbooks. The Library should be filled with Indian texbooks only. This will help the Indian Profs a lot.

At 08 May, 2008 23:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can one award degrees without actualy conducting practicals? Only theory classes.....Under Graduates taking clases of UG? HOw can one maintain standards? Anyway Indian SChol teachers are teaching in the college/Uni.... Great Standards?

At 09 May, 2008 00:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time when ERitreans come to India te recruit India teachers, they should also buy Inidan books as they are world class and they can also become an emerging superpower like India.(Education is very imp. for development of any country)

At 11 May, 2008 02:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmon great Indian School Teachers convert the college into IIT/MIT.
Flood Eritren lib. with our Indian text books. Our books are world class, let them follow our textbooks. They will also become like emerging superpower India. Long live Great Indian School teachers.

At 17 May, 2008 21:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Indian School teahers should convert EIT to MIT. Eritren brothers should come directly to Indian Schools and take the School teachers as College teachers. Eritrean brothers are doing a great service to Indian School teachers. Long live Eritrean brothers.

At 24 July, 2008 00:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Indian School teachers in EIT University - Beware of Eritrean teachers, they record your lectures and also tell the students to ask doubts (approppriate books are not avilabel in the library and they tell the students to ask doubts).
Tell them get Indian text books. We as Indians are proud to follow Indian textbooks. Not American textbooks.

At 24 July, 2008 00:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Indian School teachers in EIT University - Beware of Eritrean teachers, they record your lectures and also tell the students to ask doubts (approppriate books are not avilabel in the library and they tell the students to ask doubts).
Tell them get Indian text books. We as Indians are proud to follow Indian textbooks. Not American textbooks.


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